Daniel Petrov | November 4, 2014 | Product Liability

In short, yes. However, because it’s written words, you would sue for libel.
Can I Sue Facebook For Posting It?
No. Generally, companies like Twitter and Facebook are not responsible for the content people post. In addition, the companies that host those websites are generally not liable for the content of the websites. You have to sue the person who posted the information.
How Much Can I Get for a Libel Case?
Like any lawsuit, you will have to show a documented loss because of the posted information. For example, if you had a significant number of business contacts on Facebook and Twitter, you could track and show a significant drop in business if those contacts thought the information was true.
You might also be able to make a claim for emotional distress.
Where Does the Money Come From?
Like any personal injury case, there are several ways personal injury lawyers can collect if the case is settled in your favor. You can always lay claim to a percentage of someone’s income over the course of ten (or twenty) years. You might be able to collect about 25% of his or her annual salary.
If the person you are suing has a home insurance policy (like a homeowner’s policy or renter’s policy) your lawyer might be able to collect by placing a claim against that policy. Homeowner policies often include substantial coverage for libel and slander.
Where Do I Start?
Start by collecting evidence. Because Internet postings can disappear with just a few keystrokes, take screenshots showing anything negative written specifically about you. In addition, ask friends about any additional libelous postings that you might not have been privy to.
Because many people have strict Facebook profile settings, you might not be able to see something that hundreds or thousands of others were able to see. Once you have proof of libel, call a lawyer.
Contact the North County Product Liability Lawyers at Petrov Personal Injury Lawyers for Help Today
For more information, please contact the Vista product liability law firm of Petrov Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free consultation today.
We serve in North County, CA and its surrounding areas:
Petrov Personal Injury Lawyers – Vista, CA Office
380 S Melrose Dr. Ste. 201
Vista, CA 92081
(619) 344-0360
Petrov Petrov Personal Injury Lawyers – Oceanside, CA Office
702 Civic Center Drive Ste. 105
Oceanside, CA, 92054
(619) 678-1016