Solana Beach Car Accident Statistics

Solana Beach has a population of about 12,800. That is a number that stays remarkably stable, adding fewer than 80 new residents between the 2010 and 2020 censuses. 

Nevertheless, even small towns experience car crashes. According to available Solana Beach car accident statistics, driver behaviors like speeding and unsafe turning are the causes of dozens of collisions in the area every year. 

Should you be in a collision in Solana Beach, CA, an attorney from Petrov Personal Injury Lawyers can assess your claim for compensation against the other drivers involved in the crash. Contact our law firm at (619) 344-0360 for a free case evaluation to discuss your rights under California law.

How Petrov Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After a Car Accident in Solana Beach, CA

Petrov Personal Injury Lawyers has been serving accident victims in Solana Beach, California since 2012. Our attorneys have over 20 years of combined legal experience fighting for the rights of clients to recover compensation from those who cause their injuries.

After a crash, our Solana Beach car accident lawyers can provide you with the following:

  • Legal advice and representation by a legal team with over $40 million recovered for victims
  • The preparation and filing of a thorough and well-documented insurance claim
  • Seasoned litigators that will fight for you in court should an insurer refuse to settle

A car accident can jeopardize your long-term health and finances. Contact Petrov Personal Injury Lawyers for a free consultation to discuss your car accident injuries and the compensation you may be able to seek for them.

How Many Car Accidents Happen in Solana Beach, California?

How Many Car Accidents Happen in Solana Beach, California?

The roads in Solana Beach can get congested. However, the town only sees about 53 crashes per year that cause injury or death, according to the ten-year average given in the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) summary. Put into perspective, that means the police have responded to one crash per week involving fatal or non-fatal injuries since 2013.

Even then, that number has trended downward after peaking at 70 traffic accidents in 2017, with the number of crashes decreasing every year since then. In 2022, the city hit a ten-year low with only 35 traffic accidents that caused injury or death, meaning police officers in Solana Beach only responded to one crash every ten days during that year.

The city has a good record for safety compared to the rest of San Diego County. It has fewer crashes than every other city and town in the county except Del Mar, which, to be fair, only has one-third as many residents as Solana Beach.

Car Crash Statistics For Solana Beach

As Solana Beach experiences so few auto accidents, looking at a spread of the past ten years of crashes helps to reduce outliers and smooth out the noise in the data. 

To that end, Solana Beach’s 53 crashes per year since 2013 include the following:

  • Two pedestrian accidents per year
  • Two truck accidents involving commercial motor vehicles per year
  • Three bicycle accidents per year
  • Five motorcycle accidents per year
  • Ten single-vehicle crashes per year
  • 38 multi-vehicle collisions per year

Looking strictly at multi-vehicle collisions reveals some interesting facts about Solana Beach car accidents.

Crash Days and Times in Solana Beach

Like most towns and cities, Solana Beach car collisions increase leading to and peak during the afternoon commute between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. Unlike many other locations, though, Friday is not the most dangerous day for crashes in Solana Beach. In fact, the most dangerous days in Solana Beach town are Mondays through Thursdays.

Crashes drop significantly from Friday through Sunday, averaging only 43 crashes per day on Friday through Sunday but 60 crashes per day on Monday through Thursday.

Traffic Accident Outcomes

Car collisions in Solana Beach between 2013 and 2023 included four fatal crashes and 378 non-fatal injury crashes that caused the following outcomes:

  • Six fatalities
  • 21 serious injuries that incapacitated the victim
  • 102 minor visible injuries that did not incapacitate
  • 418 suspected injuries that caused symptoms but were not visible

The above numbers do not include pedestrian or cyclist collisions. Solana Beach had four pedestrians and one bicyclist killed, while another 30 pedestrians and 27 cyclists suffered injuries.

Common Causes of Car Crashes in Solana Beach

The most common type of collision in Solana Beach was a rear-end collision, which happens when the front end of one vehicle slams into the back end of another. Over 75% of crashes in Solana Beach were rear-end crashes, and their most common cause was speeding. Surprisingly, the police only cited six drivers for tailgating after a crash.

The second-most common cause of crashes in the town was intoxicated driving. Drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs caused roughly 9% of the crashes reported over the past ten years. It is a number that is shockingly high, though, given that all of these crashes could be avoided with the growing availability of ridesharing services.

Schedule a Free Initial Consultation With Our Experienced Solana Beach Car Accident Attorneys

Car accident injuries can cause severe pain and long-lasting disabilities. Contact Petrov Personal Injury Lawyers at (619) 344-0360 for a free consultation to discuss the financial compensation you can recover for these and other effects of your injuries.